
Maximizing Value and Minimizing Risk: The Power of Pre-Paid Variable Forwards for Concentrated Stock Positions

As a founder, executive, or pre-IPO employee, you've likely accumulated a significant portion of your wealth in company stock. While this represents a tremendous opportunity, it also comes with substantial risks. Concentrated stock positions can leave you vulnerable to ...

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Unveiling the Hidden Peril: Managing Concentration Risk

Diversification is a cornerstone of sound investing. But what happens when a significant portion of your wealth is tied to a single stock or asset? This scenario introduces concentration risk—a critical concept for investors to understand and manage. Decoding ...

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Maximize Your Retirement Savings with Professional 401k Management

Managing your 401k accounts effectively is crucial to securing a stable financial future. Many people either overlook their 401k accounts or leave them unmanaged, especially those from previous employers. This can result in missed opportunities for growth and ...

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What to Do When Your Company Stock Falls Below Its IPO Price

When you’re working for a startup and receiving equity compensation, hopes can run high at IPO time. Often, pre-IPO employees enjoy sizable boosts in their wealth after their companies go public. When things don’t go as planned, it can be hard to let go of the hope ...

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Can a GRAT Help Me Pass More Wealth to My Heirs?

Grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs) became popular after a 2000 ruling of the U.S. Tax Court in favor of the Walton family (Audrey J. Walton V. Commissioner of Internal Revenue), which upheld the family’s use of two such trusts to avoid the gift tax. GRATS are now ...

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Year-End Planning: Key Items For Your Stock Comp Checklist

When you acquire stock options from your pre-IPO employer, your liquidity is severely limited. The most common ways executives and employees are able to sell their private company shares is through IPO, SPAC acquisition, or direct listing on a public exchange. However, ...

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Tips for Staying on Course During a Market Downturn

Many investors are nervous. Even when you understand that unpredictable ups and downs are a persistent feature of the market, volatility like this can make it seem like the sky is falling. Especially when markets are down and prices are rising, however, it’s critical ...

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What You Should Know Before IPO

If you’re a startup founder, executive, or employee, your company’s IPO might be your first experience with managing wealth. While an influx of cash is certainly a blessing, it also brings new challenges into your life. What you do the year leading up to IPO day can ...

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Your Stock Options Are Like Avocados, Part 5 - Don't Let Your Avocados Rot on the Shelf!

Peak ripeness can be elusive. When you buy avocados, it’s often for a specific purpose. Maybe you’re planning to have fajitas for dinner this week or make guacamole for a party. If you start worrying about whether the avocados are at the peak of their ripeness, ...

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The Importance of Pre-IPO Financial Goal Setting

If you’re working at a pre-IPO company, tremendous financial opportunities may be on your horizon. You may have big dreams about what you can do with your anticipated windfall, but without clear financial goals and proper structures in place to reach them, those dreams ...

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