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Maximizing Value and Minimizing Risk: The Power of Pre-Paid Variable Forwards for Concentrated Stock Positions

Written by Aaron Rubin | Jul 25, 2024 7:40:07 PM

As a founder, executive, or pre-IPO employee, you've likely accumulated a significant portion of your wealth in company stock. While this represents a tremendous opportunity, it also comes with substantial risks. Concentrated stock positions can leave you vulnerable to market volatility and potentially compromise your long-term financial goals ( See our previous blog post for more on this ). Enter the pre-paid variable forward (PVF) - a sophisticated financial strategy that can help you manage risk, access liquidity, and defer taxes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how PVFs work, their benefits and considerations, and why partnering with WRP Wealth Management can give you an edge in implementing this powerful tool.

What are Pre-Paid Variable Forwards?

A pre-paid variable forward is a contractual agreement between a stockholder and a financial institution. It allows you to monetize a portion of your concentrated stock position while deferring capital gains taxes and retaining some upside potential. Here's how it typically works:

Contract Initiation

You enter into a contract with a financial institution to sell a specific number of shares at a future date (usually 1-3 years).

Upfront Payment

You receive a substantial upfront “loan”, typically 75-85% of the current stock value.

Price Collar

The contract establishes a "collar" with a floor price (protecting you from downside risk) and a cap price (limiting your upside).


At maturity, you can deliver shares or cash equivalent based on the stock's price relative to the collar or roll it over and establish a new collar.

Key Benefits of Pre-Paid Variable Forwards

Immediate Liquidity

PVFs provide access to a significant portion of your stock's value without triggering an immediate taxable event. This liquidity can be used for diversification, significant purchases, or other investment opportunities.

Tax Deferral

By structuring the transaction as a forward contract, you can defer or sometimes eliminate capital gains taxes. This can be particularly advantageous if you anticipate being in a lower tax bracket in the future, if you're looking to spread your tax liability across multiple years, or when paired with more sophisticated methods of generating offsetting capital losses.

Downside Protection

The floor price established in the contract protects you from potential losses if the stock price declines significantly.

Retained Upside Potential

While capped, you still maintain upside potential if the stock price increases.

Continued Ownership Benefits

In many cases, you retain voting rights and dividend payments during the contract period.

Considerations and Potential Drawbacks


PVFs are sophisticated financial instruments that require careful consideration and expert guidance.


PVFs are private contracts with certain investment banks. The terms of a contract with one financial institution may differ from that of another institution.

Upside Limitation

The cap price limits your potential gains if the stock price rises. (but this is negotiated to your risk tolerance and goals).

Regulatory Scrutiny

PVFs have drawn attention from regulators, particularly when used by company insiders. Understanding proper disclosure and compliance requirements is essential.

A Real-World Example

Let's illustrate how a PVF might work with a hypothetical scenario:

Suppose you're an executive at a tech company with $25 million worth of stock, currently trading at $120 per share. You enter into a 3-year PVF with the following terms:

  • Floor Price: $102 per share
  • Cap Price: $156 per share
  • Upfront Payment: 85% of current value ($21.25 million)

Potential outcomes at Maturity:

  • If the stock price is below $102: You keep all shares and receive an additional payment to make up the difference.
  • If the stock price is between $102 and $156: You keep all shares.
  • If the stock price is above $156: You deliver shares or cash equivalent to the cap price OR keep all the shares and enter into a new contract.

This structure provides you with $21.25 million in immediate liquidity, protects you from downside risk below $102 per share, allows for some upside potential up to $156 per share, and defers taxes for at least three years.

How WRP Wealth Management Can Help

At WRP Wealth Management, we specialize in helping tech executives, pre-IPO employees, and founders navigate the complexities of equity compensation and concentrated stock positions. Our unique qualifications make us ideally suited to assist with PVFs:

Expertise in Equity Compensation

Our team has deep experience in managing various forms of equity compensation, including stock options, RSUs, and concentrated positions.

Comprehensive Tax Planning

We work closely with tax professionals to ensure PVFs are structured optimally within your overall tax strategy.

Access to Multiple PVF Sources

Unlike many firms, we have relationships with multiple financial institutions offering PVFs. This allows us to shop for the best terms and pricing for our clients.

Holistic Financial Planning

We integrate PVF strategies into a comprehensive financial plan, considering your overall wealth management goals, risk tolerance, and long-term objectives.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment

Markets and personal circumstances change. We provide continuous oversight of your PVF strategy, recommending adjustments as needed.

Regulatory Compliance Support

We help ensure all necessary disclosures and filings are properly handled, minimizing regulatory risks.

Education and Empowerment

We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. We'll help you understand all aspects of the PVF strategy, enabling you to make informed decisions.

Implementing a Pre-Paid Variable Forward Strategy

If you're considering a PVF for your concentrated stock position, here are the steps we typically follow at WRP Wealth Management:

      1. Assessment: We analyze your current financial situation, including your concentrated position, other assets, liabilities, and financial goals.
      2. Strategy Development: Based on this assessment, we determine if a PVF is appropriate and, if so, how it should be structured.
      3. Market Analysis: We leverage our relationships with multiple PVF providers to seek the best possible terms for your situation.
      4. Implementation: Once you're comfortable with the strategy, we assist in executing the PVF contract.
      5. Integration: We incorporate the PVF into your overall financial plan, including tax planning and investment strategy.
      6. Ongoing Management: We continually monitor the PVF and your overall financial situation, making adjustments as needed.

Balancing Opportunity and Risk

As a founder, executive, or pre-IPO employee, your company stock represents both tremendous opportunity and significant risk. Pre-paid variable forwards offer a sophisticated way to potentially enhance your position, protect against downside risk, and defer taxes - all while retaining some upside potential and ownership benefits.

However, PVFs are complex instruments that require careful consideration and expert guidance. At WRP Wealth Management, we have the expertise, resources, and commitment to help you navigate this strategy effectively. By leveraging our unique access to multiple PVF sources and integrating this tool into a comprehensive wealth management approach, we can help you make the most of your equity compensation while safeguarding your financial future.

Ready to explore how a pre-paid variable forward might fit into your financial strategy? Contact WRP Wealth Management today for a personalized consultation. Let us help you turn your concentrated stock position from a potential liability into a powerful tool for achieving your financial goals.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. Pre-paid variable forwards (PVFs) are complex financial instruments that involve significant risks and are not suitable for all investors. The scenarios described are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only; actual outcomes may vary.

Before entering into any PVF transaction, it is essential to consult with qualified financial advisors, tax professionals, and legal counsel to understand the potential risks, benefits, and regulatory implications. WRP Wealth Management does not provide legal or tax advice. All decisions regarding the tax implications of your investments should be made in consultation with your independent tax advisor.

The use of PVFs may be subject to regulatory scrutiny, and it is crucial to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including any required disclosures and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or other regulatory bodies.

WRP Wealth Management and its representatives are not responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided in this article. Investing in securities, including the use of PVFs, involves risk, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

For personalized advice that takes into account your specific financial situation, objectives, and risk tolerance, please contact WRP Wealth Management directly.